Breast Cancer Awareness
Breast cancer awareness is an effort to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of breast cancer through education on symptoms and treatment. Breast cancer awareness is a part of general body awareness. It is a process of getting to know your own breasts and becoming familiar with their appearance. Learning how your breasts feel at different times will help you to know what is normal for you.
If you are aware of any change in your breasts from what is normal for you, tell your doctor without any delay. Remember you are not wasting anyone’s time. If there is a cancer present, the sooner it is reported, the simpler treatment is likely to be.
Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women both globally and locally. There is not a specific cause of breast cancer, however there are risk factors that can affect the likelihood of developing breast cancer:
- Your Weight and Physical Activity
- Breastfeeding
- Certain Oral Contraceptives
- Reproductive Gistory
- Drinking Alcohol
- Breast Density
- Getting Older
- Exposure to Radiation
- Family History
- Genetic Mutations
- Previous history of Breast Cancer
Early diagnosis offers the best chance of successful treatment of breast cancer, so getting screened (having a mammography) is the first line of defense.
The Department of Health recommends that women should get mammogram screening every 2 years from the age of 40, or earlier if breast cancer runs in the family.
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